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Izumi Ose
free jazz

Born in Gifu, Japan.

Took lesson of piano(classical style) from the age of 6 till 13.


Moved to Tokyo in 1987 for study and got influenced from free jazz.

After graduating from Waseda university (bachelor of law) , started her career as musician in the melodica orchestra"P-blot" in 1996.


After moved to Berlin in 2003, joined various sessions of improvisation and free jazz as pianist/vocalist/performer.


Started collaboration with Tetsuya Hori in 2004 and it has been continued until now. Toured to Romania, Poland, Austria, UK beside various venues in Germany.

In 2016, presented "The (Love) Songbook"for voice solo performance, composed by Hori and dedicated for her.


Joined "Akira Ando & The JAPS" in 2014 as pianist/vocalist and toured to Poland in September 2016.







© 2017 by Izumi Ose

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